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Monday, February 19, 2007

Acid Reflux Cure

Many people today are afflicted with heartburn. If they eat food that is too spicy, they get heartburn. If they sleep the wrong way, they get heartburn. If they eat too fast they get heartburn. There can be many causes for heartburn, also known as acid reflux, and the way heartburn affects people is variable as well. If this all sounds too familiar to you then you need a good acid reflux cure. You don’t need to suffer unnecessarily.

Not all acid reflux cures work the same for everybody though. People have different lifestyles and because of that cures will have different effects on different people. Some people can use simple, non-medical cures because they lead a relatively healthy lifestyle. Other people have had acid reflux problems for a longer time and might need a prescribed acid reflux cure from their family doctor.

Some acid reflux cures can be found in your own kitchen. Baking soda and water can ease the discomfort of heartburn for most people and costs next to nothing. Warm milk may help someone suffering from mild heartburn and help them sleep better in the evening. An over the counter acid reflux cure, in liquid or in pill form, may be the next step if simple home remedies do not work for you. However, if none of these remedies are working after being used for a period of a week or more it may be time to search out other options.

A little bit of research online may open your eyes to the many ways that acid reflux can be treated. You’ll find home remedies and over the counter medications that can be found in most drugstores, as mentioned above. You’ll also find that there is a wide array of herbal remedies that claim to be proven natural remedies and 100% effective. An herbal acid reflux cure can be helpful and may work where other cures have not. You should remember that herbal remedies are not for everyone though. If you are pregnant, have a pre-existing condition like kidney disease, diabetes or other conditions, or are a child or older adult, you should speak to your doctor before beginning to use an herbal acid reflux cure. Many herbal remedies are not safe for people who have medical conditions that are being treated by a doctor.

You can improve your lifestyle today if acid reflux is impairing your ability to experience a full and active lifestyle. By learning more about cures and remedies you can find an acid reflux cure that will work for you. You don’t need to suffer from acid reflux anymore.

Monday, February 5, 2007

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disorder (GERD)

Gastroesophageal reflux disorder (GERD) or more commonly referred to as ‘acid reflux’ disease is a painful and common disorder in adults of all ages, particularly in people 40 and over. The disorder is caused by the juices of the stomach backing up into the esophagus, causing a burning sensation and sometimes damaging the lining of the esophagus itself. The burning sensation is also referred to as ‘heart burn’, since it is often felt in about the same place the heart rests in the chest cavity.

Many of the digestive enzymes of the stomach, such as pepsin, work best at an extremely low pH, or in other words a very acidic environment. It is for this reason that ‘parietal’ cells of the stomach lining produce and pump large quantities of the chemical hydrochloric acid into the stomach. Stomach fluids are therefore highly acidic, reaching pH’s as low as 1, which is about ten times more acidic than common battery acid, and a million times more acidic than water. It is this acid that causes the discomfort and damage associated with acid reflux disease.

The disorder can develop for a number of reasons. There is a lot of evidence suggesting that a likelihood to develop the disease can be genetic. Also, any trauma or injury to the esophageal sphincter, the circular muscle responsible for keeping stomach fluids out of the esophagus, can lead to the disorder. Such injury can be caused by frequent vomiting, or by a hiatal hernia.

The bad news is that once you develop acid reflux disease, you are going to have it for life. The good news is there are a wide variety of excellent treatments for the disorder that are now available, some by prescription and some over the counter. There are also a number of measures people can take to reduce the symptoms of acid reflux in addition to the use of medication.

There are three basic medication types popularly used for acid reflux. The first and most famous being the ‘antacids’, which all use some kind of strong base such as calcium carbonate, or magnesium carbonate to neutralize the acid of the stomach. Though fast acting, these treatments only last a short period and are not recommended for use in treating reoccurring heart burn. Some examples of antacids include Tums, Rolaids, and Alka-Seltzer.

Like antacids, ‘acid reducers’ are available over the counter but they work by actually lowering the amount of acid produced by the stomach and are usually effective for a longer period of time. The more popular acid reducers include Zantac, and Pepcid AC.

Acid reducers are often enough to counter milder forms of acid reflux disorder, but more moderate forms of the disease may require a doctor prescribed ‘proton pump inhibitor’ (PPI). PPI’s also function by lowering the amount of acid produced by the stomach, though by a different mechanism than acid reducers. For this reason they can be safely be used in conjunction with acid reducers. Some PPI’s include Prilosec, Prevacid, and Aciphex. Prilosec has recently been made available over the counter, though its continued use should be only be done under the advice of a medical professional.

Acid Reflux Help

Welcome to my acid reflux help blog. You will get informations, latest news, tips and trends about acid reflux.
Basically, acid reflux disease is a result of inflammation in the esophagus. The irritation is caused by liquid from the stomach working its way backwards into the esophagus. Many people recognize the symptom of this stomach problem known as heartburn. This uncomfortable symptom has many of us running to stores looking for acid reflux remedies.